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Showing posts from December, 2020

How to Manifest Money Fast In 2024 With The Law of Attraction

Money is important and money is good and so many of us have been raised to believe that the desire to have money abundance wealth is some kind of evil desire. We've also been raised to believe that when we don't have any money we are less than others. Somehow we shrink in stature and neither one of them are true they're both limiting beliefs. I realized years ago that certain words had power and if those words could be implanted into the subconscious mind in the right order and in the right way. They would have a remarkable effect on your ability to attract money into your life. Is It Possible To Manifest Your Desires When The Planet Feels Like It's Falling Apart? One of the things that happen is when you find yourself in a money crunch you start feeling anxiety and fear and doubt and worry and limiting beliefs and all of these emotions all of these feelings repel money and they repel the vibration of money. It's literally the opposite energy to receiving money weal...

How to Make Anyone Fall In Love With You In 2024

Everything in the Universe is vibration. That means your thoughts are vibration. That means your feelings are vibration.  And so what happens is when people are attracted to each other or when they are drawn to each other, their vibrations align, their vibrations kind of intermingle. They come together in a harmonious way.  Love Yourself Optimistic Attitude About Your Life Build Confidence Be Honest, Be Real Have Fun Likewise, when people are kind of repelled by each other, guess what? Their vibrations are at different levels. They're at different vibratory frequencies.  So understanding that is very important. And there are some very simple things you can do to raise your vibration because this is a key. As your vibration rises, you can interact with every vibration that frequency and lower other words.  Men fall in Love With Women who do THIS The more attractive you become and the easier it is. Plus, I'm going to share with you a Secret Love Technique and it works....

8 Signs You And Your Partner Will Get Married In 2024

8 Signs You And Your Partner Will Get Married Here are eight signs that you and your partner will get married. There are millions and millions of people who do want to talk about marriage and you're with a partner right now and you're wondering is this the partner is this the one that I'm going to get married to. 1. Your Partner has Expressed Desire for Family Your partner has expressed that he or she would like to have a family. If you've been in a relationship for over a year and your partner has never expressed the idea of having a family or getting married or anything like that. You might want to reconsider who you're investing your time with you.  The average person who falls in love and has a deeply committed relationship with someone will express that in about three months others it might be four or five months but three months seems to be about the average. It might come out casually you know like maybe there's a family over there with some kids oh I...

How to Manifest 98% Of Your Intention In 2024

How to Manifest 98% Of Your Intention You know people set goals and intentions and then they sit back and wonder why they don't manifest. How would you like to get 98% of all your goals, all your intentions to manifest? Well, there is a pattern that successful manifesters use, and this pattern is very important.  When you use this pattern consistently every single day, you will literally be shocked at how much you manifest and how easy it is. If you are consistent in using this pattern on a regular basis. You will manifest between 95 and 98% of all your intentions and that's huge. That will literally change your life. That means you will have more of the money you desire, the love you crave, and the health that you depend upon.  what if I told you I was able to manifest $1M in 30 days, starting from zero and in a JAIL CELL, using one unique technique? Dr. Wayne Dyer used to focus on the fact that we don't get what we want. We attract or manifest or get exactly what we are. ...

How to do Neville Goddard Manifesting Technique

Oftentimes people think of the Law of Attraction as some difficult thing that they have to go through a lot of contortions to make things manifest. And you really don't. If you'll follow these simple steps outlined by Neville Goddard, and I'll give, I'll kind of give you my take on it. You'll be manifesting quickly with hardly any effort at all.  1. You are the Creator of Inside World The first part of this is maybe the most difficult part to get your mind wrapped around. And that is you are the creator of your universe, the world in which you experience. Everything in the universe is you pushed out.  So if something isn't working out in the outside world, it's because you've created that in the inside world. When we teach Miracle Mentoring and Alchemy Life Coaching, we oftentimes say you are a co-creator of your reality.  There are two realities. There's the reality outside you and there's the reality inside you. They always match, always. So, a...

Top 7 Crystals For Wealth & Money

Are you ready to put more vibration into your life here are the top 7 crystals for wealth and money.  Today we're talking about crystals and crystals they're just phenomenal they're ancient they're old and they're filled with various vibrational energies. I love crystals I will tell you that a house needs to have crystals a house needs to have fresh plants and a house needs to have essential oils. We'll be doing all of that and the reason is that I believe that the vibration from crystals helps bring about abundance and what is abundance is the money its wealth is prosperity but it's also love and happiness and joy and health and vitality and positive vibrations. We're going to talk about different crystals but first every crystal that you get you're gonna want to cleanse it. You don't know where it's been how many various people have held this what kind of energy they had going for them. Clean your crystals can you can soak them in the water...

How To Send Thought Waves To Anyone | How to do Telepathic Communication

Have you ever woke up in the morning and you had an incredible dream with someone in the dream and all of a sudden later on that day or maybe a day or two later they texted you or they gave you a phone call it's kind of eerie isn't it.  I'm going to teach you how to send thought waves this is an easy method for sending thought waves to another person using advanced telepathic communication. We're going to talk about thought waves and advanced telepathic communication and I'm not going to get real weird on you. I'm going to give you some easy information to understand it's based on the works of William Walker Atkinson. Now if you haven't read about him he was kind of the forerunner to the modern thought movement and the law of attraction and all the studies and information that we have going on today. He was a member of the golden dawn and he was a mystic he was an attorney, he was a scientist, he was a writer he was a traveler he was a very interesting i...

How To Use Nikola Tesla Divine Code (369) To Manifest Anything You Want

Nikola tesla's 369 divine code method to manifest anything you desire. This really works and I'm going to give you some variations I'm not going to give you the one I'm going to give you the primary method but I'm also going to give you some variations so that you can customize this method for you if you'll use this method you'll get what you want. I've had people use this method to attract a specific person to attract large sums of money and even win large sums of money to attract a new house a new car a dream vacation whatever it is you desire or even own your own business and be successful at it the three six nine methods of Nikola Tesla will help you manifest exactly what you desire. Tesla was one of the great minds of our time ac or what they call alternating current that was an invention of Nikola Tesla we use it in your house right now. Go and you plug something in that's Nikola Tesla okay the tesla coil and over 100 patents. Here's the co...

How To Change Your Appearance In 2021

I don't know if anybody has told you recently that you are perfect that you were born perfect you are absolutely perfect you are an emanation from the perfected universe. You're an emanation from the perfect God. You can't be anything but perfect. You are one-of-a-kind there is nothing like you anywhere else in the cosmos you are one-of-a-kind you are perfect. You are an original.  You might say well my nose is too big or my forehead is too high or I'm too short or my feet are too flat or too tall I'm too skinny I'm too fat but those are all perceptions those are all value judgments they have no basis, in reality, they have absolutely nothing to do with you.  They're just opinions maybe your own opinion but it's still an opinion and oftentimes it is it's based on modeling, advertising, Glamour magazine's all that kind of stuff television movies is looking. Accept Perfection You can buy into that and spend the rest of your life chasing your tail ...

How to Quickly Manifest your Greatest Desires

You Must Manifest When it really comes down to it when there is something that you absolutely feel you must manifest your greatest desire this is what I do this is what has worked for me and worked for thousands maybe even millions of others who have been successful at manifesting all over the world. Make Your Life Exceptional You have the ability to make your life exceptional to live your best life the highest version of who you are there's no need to settle for just getting by it's good enough it's okay that isn't why you chose to come here that isn't why you're here now. Manifesting with a Sense of Absolute Certainty I really believe that manifesting with a sense of absolute certainty gives up the trying stop trying to manifest trying only helps you attract more trying in your life get to that point where you just feel absolutely certain that what you desire is happening right now. Sense of Knowingness There's no more trying I call it a sense of knowingne...

6 Words That Will Destroy your Manifestation and Dreams

Our language is absolutely essential to manifesting what we desire we as human beings have words and these words are packets of information like a computer. You know they're packets of information but they also have the ability to ignite emotions. Once you ignite an emotion those emotions bloom forth into feelings and either the feelings are productive and will help you manifest more of what you desire or they're destructive and will work against your deepest desire. 1. Hate  Don't you just hate it when people use the word hate well hate is the word and it's an overused word and it's a word that your subconscious mind.  Oftentimes just eliminates so if you say I hate eating meat for example what you're really saying is I eat meat that's what your subconscious my ears. I hate being fat what your subconscious mind hears is I am fat. Eliminating the word hate is a positive thing don't you just hate it people say that all the time. I hate it when he calls me...