You know they're packets of information but they also have the ability to ignite emotions. Once you ignite an emotion those emotions bloom forth into feelings and either the feelings are productive and will help you manifest more of what you desire or they're destructive and will work against your deepest desire.
1. Hate
Don't you just hate it when people use the word hate well hate is the word and it's an overused word and it's a word that your subconscious mind.
Oftentimes just eliminates so if you say I hate eating meat for example what you're really saying is I eat meat that's what your subconscious my ears. I hate being fat what your subconscious mind hears is I am fat.
Eliminating the word hate is a positive thing don't you just hate it people say that all the time. I hate it when he calls me and does this when you use to hate it's a powerful word and it's oftentimes attracting more of the same kind of behavior from other people.
I hate it when people keep cutting me off the road well they keep cutting you off the road because you hate it and you keep using that word and so you keep sending out that vibe that energy and that's what you attract.
Give up the word hate I know it's tough but look at it you can find another word that you can substitute for it hate is not a good word it's an anti manifestation word.
2. Should
This is a word that is overused. You should do that it's a very parental word you know. We hear that from people who take on what we call a parental role in our lives.
You should be doing it this way you shouldn't do it that way don't do it this way you should try it this way. They try to say it in a positive way there are no shoulds in life.
There are no shoulds you're going to do what you're going to do you are here to live your life on purpose. In other words, you're here to live with your own dreams your own goals and there's no should be involved.
So when you hear it from other people just kind of cross it out your mind blank it out and when you use it yourself well make a habit of giving it up not using it, okay you shouldn't do that right okay.
3. Never
You hear people say we'll never say never. Well, I say never say, never, never. In other words, never is a word that is limiting. It's a limited belief word and so it's a word that doesn't belong in your powerful optimistic manifesting vocabulary.
Give up the word never because it says that this can never happen and think about all the things that people said could never happen that have now happened.
Think of all the things that you've been through in your own life where you thought this will never happen and sure enough it happened.
4. Broke/ Poor
It's a word that doesn't belong in your vocabulary and it's a word that limits your growth and expectations. Well, I just can't do that I mean I'm too broke I can't afford it on or broke, poor, busted.
These are all words that limit the flow of abundance the flow of prosperity the flow of wealth into your life so think about those words abundance, prosperity, wealth.
Anytime you feel like using the word poor or I'm broke use one of those three words instead it will make all the difference.
Within a short period of time, you will begin to see money begin to flow into your life in easy ways. I mean you know where in the heck did that come from I didn't expect that pile of money.
5. Can't
The next word that I hear people that are becoming manifesters but they still use this word oh I can't do that I can't start that business, I can't apply for that job.
They use the word can't and I know you're not using that word anymore you've given up the word can't. There are other ways of expressing it other than saying can't you can say I choose not to take that action at this time but when you use the word can't you start to build walls around yourself.
I can't do this, I can't do that, it can't do this and pretty soon you add to the cants that cants start piling upon themselves and pretty soon there are cants everywhere everything is limited and you have a very small universe and your ability to manifest your deepest desires and dreams is deeply diminished.
6. Impossible
There's anything that I have learned is that nothing is impossible so I've chosen to stop using the word impossible. Nothing is impossible so therefore why even bother with the word oh, that's impossible he's never gonna do that.
Well, why would you say that?
Why would you limit your potential?
Limit your ability to manifest your deepest desires and dreams
So nothing is impossible.
Everything is possible with an infinite all-powerful universe and you are part of that universe is within you and you are within that universe you have a great day.
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