Nikola tesla's 369 divine code method to manifest anything you desire. This really works and I'm going to give you some variations I'm not going to give you the one I'm going to give you the primary method but I'm also going to give you some variations so that you can customize this method for you if you'll use this method you'll get what you want.
I've had people use this method to attract a specific person to attract large sums of money and even win large sums of money to attract a new house a new car a dream vacation whatever it is you desire or even own your own business and be successful at it the three six nine methods of Nikola Tesla will help you manifest exactly what you desire.
Tesla was one of the great minds of our time ac or what they call alternating current that was an invention of Nikola Tesla we use it in your house right now. Go and you plug something in that's Nikola Tesla okay the tesla coil and over 100 patents.
Here's the cool thing about it some of the stuff that was given up on years ago is now being revisited by modern scientists and they're finding incredible results. I mean Nikola Tesla was a genius.
Nikola Tesla believed that 369 were divine numbers he said;
if you only knew the magnificence of 369 you have the key to the entire universe.
You have the key to the entire universe here's a little key put it in the door turn it whatever you desire is on the other side of that door I've used it I've had clients use it it's a powerful method so stay with me on this because I'm going to give you some variations on it.
While the scientific method or explanation of this based on vortex mathematics can be rather complex the numbers have an extraordinary. I mean extraordinary power if used correctly for manifestation.
We all know that the universe that the galaxies and the solar system express themselves in a number of different patterns. We can see the patterns in nature we can see the patterns in cells and these patterns have oftentimes been referred to as the blueprint of God and tesla was very very interested in these patterns.
What tesla discovered is that 3 6 and 9 is believed to be a vector from the 3D to the 4D. This transference from the 3D to the 4D is called a flux field not to be confused with the flux capacitor from back to the future.
9 = Mathematical Symbol of Enlightenment
Now nine is called the mathematical symbol of enlightenment and 9 has been used by mystics since as far back as we have a record of. Ancient mystics would use the incantation whatever incantation what we would call an affirmation. They called an incantation.
My definition of an incantation is a little bit different today but they would recite an incantation 9 times for nine days and they would get incredible results. I've used it I know it works now Catholics and early Christians perform a thing called the novena.
Novena is 9 days of specific prayers so this number 9 goes back as far as being mystical and powerful goes back long before Nikola Tesla.
Let's get into the meat of how this works you're going to speed up your manifestation you're going to be literally shocked at how powerful this is.
Take 1 Intention
Take one intention now this is very important because a lot of people say well the number is three shouldn't I take three intentions no.
Let's focus our power, one intention and you're gonna take that intention you're gonna write it down on a sheet of paper or in a notebook and you're going to write it down three different ways.
Let me give an example
It's the same intention the intention is a beautiful loving relationship but I wrote it down three different ways. I'm going to give my subconscious mind three different choices. It's very important that you write it down in three different ways now.
Here's where it really gets good and here's the part that's going to take a little bit of effort on your part. So I have three affirmations one intention 3 affirmations written down I'm going to read and study those affirmations those 3 affirmations 6 times a day.
More importantly, I'm going to study those affirmations at 3 o'clock in the afternoon at 6 o'clock in the early evening at ni9ne o'clock in the evening then I'm going to set my alarm for 3 a.m and I'm going to study and recite those affirmations at 3 a.m at 6 a.m and again at 9 am.
1 Intention
3 Affirmations
6 times per day 3 AM, 6 AM, 9 AM, 3 PM, 6 PM, 9 PM
Done for 9 Days in a row
I am focusing my time and my energy on those 3 affirmations that one intention 6 times each day at the specific hours outlined.
Can you guess what the next step is you're going to do this process for 9 days in a row a novena. So one intention is written down 3 ways 6 times a day for 9 days.
Now I've had people tell me well Lucie I can't do that i gotta get up at 3 o'clock in the morning. Yes if it means something to you whatever it is you desire to manifest. You'll put in the time you'll put in the work and you'll put in the effort. This really works.
Let me give you an example so I want an increased amount of money to flow into my life here again I'm writing it down three different ways.
Money flows easily into my life.
No. 2
I'm enjoying and attracting large sums of money.
No. 3
Money comes quickly and without effort into my life.
Now you write down your own I'm just sharing with you some examples. This method can be used for almost anything.
Now by the way be sure and subscribe to our website because we love you and here are some other articles to help you on your journey.
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