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How to Expand Your Magnetism and Raise Your Vibration

How to Expand Your Magnetism

You can raise your vibration when you know how to expand your magnetism. Lucie reveals his unique ways to expand your magnetism to increase your vibe and manifest anything you desire. 

These secrets can shift your consciousness and your reality to bring you money, love, and health. These techniques will even raise your self-esteem and self-worth.

1. Positive Thoughts 

70% of our thinking process throughout the day is negative. 

Can you imagine that? 70% is negative and for some of us, it's a little higher. 

The idea is to replace a lot of those disempowering negative thoughts to replace them with positive thoughts.

In order to replace them, I believe you need to write them down you need to know what they are. 

What are the major primary negative thoughts that are holding you back?

What you desire in your life? 

The money you desire the love you crave, and the health and happiness that you deserve and depend on.

So one of the things I remind myself is that if I don't have anything nice to say about myself or about anyone else because remember if I'm bad-mouthing other people out here they're part of me remember Neville Goddard says that 

Everyone is you pushed out

When you're talking negatively when you're gossiping about someone else and you're speaking in negative terms about them you're really talking about an aspect of yourself. 

It's something that you have to retrain yourself but if you'll do that you immediately increase your magnetism and you expand your vibration. 

I just want to say this as well even if you're talking in your head you know where you're just kind of like talking in your head. You're talking negatively about other people or yourself you're lowering your magnetism you're lowering your vibration. 

You're lowering your spiritual connection and you are blocking your ability to manifest what you d which you deeply desire that's what I was trying to say.

2. Break Old Routines

The next way to expand your magnetism and raise your vibration is to break old routines I mean you've got to get out of these old tired routines that are not doing anything for you, they're not helping you, they're not empowering you.

Increase your creativity you know you are a creative being don't let anybody tell you you do not increase your creativity look for new ways to experience your life.

Look for new environments to explore and by doing that you bring new information into your energy field and that raises your vibe and expands your magnetism.

3. Upgrade Your Mission and Goals

The third thing on my list is to upgrade your mission and goals 5 years ago my mission and goals were far different than they are today.

You have to be constantly upgrading your mission and purpose your goals and your dreams and as you upgrade them I'm going to give you two words that are absolutely essential and these two words you want to live by them. 

4. Think Big

Anybody can think small anybody can say I met somebody years ago and she said I just want a little one-room apartment and enough income to be able to pay my bills and while that's noble. You want to pay your bills you want a place to live why not thinks big why not think outside.

If you're thinking way down here where is there where's your room to drop down to you know what how's the old saying goes it goes you know. 

If you aim for the moon you might hit the mountain top but if you aim for the mountaintop you might just hit a rock so aim for the moon thinks big. 

5. Mirror Work

Do mirror work in front of the mirror all the time say your affirmations in front of the mirror you see. It's not only about changing yourself from within outward. It's about changing yourself outward to within.

In other words as above so below as below so above I know so many people that are very very successful and every morning while they're shaving or washing their face or doing their hair they're standing in front of the mirror.

They're reaffirming the beliefs about who they are you see because when you believe and know who you are that's what you are.

6.  You Have to Walk Away From it

Finally, at some point, you just have to walk away from it. I mean really you do you have to walk away from it and you have to detach you've done your work you've put out your energy you've put out your intentions you've cleared your negativity and now just detach and let it flow.

Let it happen in your life put yourself in a position to expand your magnetism and raise your vibration here are some other articles to help you on your journey. 


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