Are you ready to put more vibration into your life here are the top 7 crystals for wealth and money.
Today we're talking about crystals and crystals they're just phenomenal they're ancient they're old and they're filled with various vibrational energies. I love crystals I will tell you that a house needs to have crystals a house needs to have fresh plants and a house needs to have essential oils.
We'll be doing all of that and the reason is that I believe that the vibration from crystals helps bring about abundance and what is abundance is the money its wealth is prosperity but it's also love and happiness and joy and health and vitality and positive vibrations.
We're going to talk about different crystals but first every crystal that you get you're gonna want to cleanse it. You don't know where it's been how many various people have held this what kind of energy they had going for them.
Clean your crystals can you can soak them in the water a little bit of saltwater and dry them off. The easiest way to do it I like to wash them with a little bit of white sage but you can also use frankincense and myrrh another wonderful scent for kind of cleaning your crystals
Next, we want to charge the crystal and the easiest way to charge the crystal is your lighter colored crystals that cannot fade such as clear quartz do well in the sunlight other crystals such as amber or citrine.
Citrine doesn't do well in sunlight because it will fade the rock it will literally start to fade so we want to give indirect sunlight and how do we do that moonlight.
Set it out in the moonlight preferably on the full moon so there you go I remember when I lived in an apartment people would walk by my car and I had all of these crystals sitting out on the hood of my car because I had no place else to put them where they would get the moonlight.
So just put them out in the moonlight or you can put crystals out in the sunlight that charges them with natural vibratory universal energy. Finally, we want to consecrate our crystal, and to consecrate simply means to hold your crystal.
1. Pyrite
Pyrite is oftentimes referred to as fool's gold but it brings about optimism and it brings about an energy that is very very good for business success. I know that a lot of offices will have statues or big hunks of pyrite in their corporate office. I don't know if they just do it because they think it looks pretty or if they really understand the power of pyrite but it really works.
It protects against negative vibes. It's wonderful for feng shui so you're gonna want to study a little Feng Shui and put pyrite in your money quadrant.
Now a little caveat to pyrite do not wear it it can be dangerous to wear because it yet if you do find pyrite that is made into jewelry I wouldn't wear it because it can make up after a while I can make a white powder and that white powder is poisonous.
Don't wear pyrite but have it around okay that is pyrite.
2. Citrine
Next is citrine oh I love citrine and here's a drusy look at that love it there's citrine there you go there is a nice big point of citrine now in our office we have a large piece of citrine we love citrine we have citrine downstairs and we have citrine jewelry so citrine is very powerful for attracting money fast did I say fast and it's a powerful attractor it really is.
I think that anytime you have some citrine around you're just gonna automatically feel that sense of increased energy and abundance it tends to wake you up it tends to alive in you make you feel better and when you feel better what happens you tend to attract more of what you really desire.
3. Malachite
Malachite oh I love this little malachite dish I have to tell you a story I had a shop a very small shop and I took it over from some people that were ready to go belly-up with it and I said well I'll put a little money into it see what happens.
And the first day I opened up the shop door you know I cleaned it out the night before rearranged everything opened up the shop door and at the end of the day checked our till and we did three dollars all day long.
I had a mouth what kind stone and I put it on the cash register and I consecrated it and I placed it there and the next day we must have done $300 and then after that, it was like 500 and then 600 and then 700 and I kept that malachite stone on that cash register until somebody lifted it out of the shop. Anyway, that's a true story that malachite stone was phenomenal because I put a lot of consecration energy into it.
Here's a malachite dish isn't that nice I can write my intention and put it right in the dish and then of course the malachite pyramid anytime you have pyramids it's about focused energy-focused energy so take your intention and write it on a piece of paper and place it underneath the pyramid it's phenomenal it absolutely is.
Malachite is great for positive opportunities if you want more opportunities in your life that equal wealth and money have a lot of malachite around your house and it's really good for harmony.
One thing about the malachite though I got I forgot to tell you about this with the malachite you notice that this is polished I can touch it do anything I want to it it's polished.
Do not use raw malachite and the reason is is that by touching it too much and getting it into your pores it can have a poisonous effect so always have polished malachite.
4.Green Adventurine
It's absolutely marvelous for opportunities for the flow of energy for luck and it's good for the lottery as well so get yourself some green adventuring it's great dawn it has a real solid feel to it just has a good feel to it.
5. Tiger's Eye
Tiger's eye oh I got a couple of them down here look at that tiger's eye is great because it's a stone of mental wealth.You see when you're wealthy in mind then it's absolutely a certainty that you will be wealthy in your wallet and in your bank account so what a lot of people do is they wear tiger's eye.
You see a lot of people wear tiger's eye rings necklaces but I know a number of people that wear Oh should I say carry tiger's eye just put it right in their pocket it's a wonderful stone to just carry around with you
6. Crystal Quartz
One of my favorites is still crystal quartz and I honestly believe the more crystal quartz you can have in your energy field the better it's great for healing but it's not just healing of your physical body or of your energy field or have your thoughts in your mind.
It's great for raising your vibration and when you raise your vibration you automatically put yourself into a position of kinship it's just so it's just an absolutely incredible stone and I like the inclusions you can meditate you can actually get a big piece like this and sit down and meditate with it and visualize use it to draw you into your visualization of you experiencing money and wealth it's an incredible stone.
7. Amber
One of the stones that are not on the traditional list I'm wearing some today is amber. It's, not a stone it's a resin it's a hardened resin it's a Jurassic Park resin but it's just a great it's a great thing to have.
It's a purifier it's a pain reliever they're using it now with infants who are teething to help with the pain relief. It removes stagnant energy and that's what slows down money attraction more than anything stagnant thoughts stagnant beliefs and stagnant energy.
When you get the energy flowing again oh the money gets grown that's how it works. I hope these seven stones will help you why don't you write me down below here and let me know what your favorite stone is I'd like to hear how you have used different stones to empower your life thank you so much you have a great day you absolutely deserve it.
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