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How To Send Thought Waves To Anyone | How to do Telepathic Communication

How To Send Thought Waves To Anyone - Cash Cobra

Have you ever woke up in the morning and you had an incredible dream with someone in the dream and all of a sudden later on that day or maybe a day or two later they texted you or they gave you a phone call it's kind of eerie isn't it. 

I'm going to teach you how to send thought waves this is an easy method for sending thought waves to another person using advanced telepathic communication.

We're going to talk about thought waves and advanced telepathic communication and I'm not going to get real weird on you. I'm going to give you some easy information to understand it's based on the works of William Walker Atkinson.

Now if you haven't read about him he was kind of the forerunner to the modern thought movement and the law of attraction and all the studies and information that we have going on today. He was a member of the golden dawn and he was a mystic he was an attorney, he was a scientist, he was a writer he was a traveler he was a very interesting individual but you can look him up on google, youtube. William Walker Atkinson.

Everything Vibrates Everything Moves

Everything in the material world is in the process of movement of vibration everything vibrates everything is moving.

I know that we look pen for example and we say well that pen isn't doing anything it's not solid appears to be solid but the truth of the matter is that this pen is not solid and as a matter of fact this pen is more space than it is something.

It may appear to be solid but it isn't and that gets into the understanding of electron fields and everything else as to why it appears to be solid but it is more space than something and the particles that create it are in a constant state of vibration. As are you as am I as is everything in the universe and particularly your mind and your thoughts.

Please do not confuse your mind with your brain. We don't know where your mind is we don't know if a brain is simply a tool and the mind descends into the body at birth or maybe the mind is somewhere else and it is operating the brain.

Nobody knows for sure because nobody can find where the mind is at there's no evidence of it we do know we have a mind but we don't know where it's at.

So understand that the mind is responsible for your ability to focus your vibration in a specific direction and add a specific person and this could only happen in a world where everything is in movement everything is in motion as Bob Proctor likes to say

 everything is an ocean of motion

There are a number of forces in the universe you know there's heat and there are all kinds of different variations of elemental forces but underlining every one of those forces is vibration. It's kind of the cornerstone that's why I often say that the law of attraction is really a sub-law under the law of vibration.

Law Of Vibration

The law of vibration its origin in understanding comes all the way back or excuse me dates all the way back to the ancient teachings of Hermes in the emerald tablet of Hermes you know as above so below.

The mind produces thought waves, the mind produces radiation, the mind produces thought induction and all of them are a little bit different, and in future articles. I'm going to talk about them and we're going to go into more depth so you can really learn how to use the power of your mind to manifest the life that you desire for yourself and help empower others as well.

Thought waves emanate from the mind from the unconscious or the subconscious mind now in most people most of the time thought waves aren't going in any particular direction. 

They're not focused they're kind of blurry they're kind of uh indirect and so they really have no value they don't influence anybody and that's really the point. 

So when it comes to sending thought waves to another human being. I would only ask that you always put their benefit higher than your own. In other words, are they going to benefit from you sending thought waves.

I had a client who was suffering from cancer and I would work on her about once or twice a week but in between I would work on her mind and I would send thought waves to her and her mind would work on her immune system and on the cells the good cells in her body and they would literally start destroying the cancer cells. This is a positive use of sending thought waves to another person.

Know Exactly What you Desire

You must know exactly what you desire that's critical if you don't know exactly what you desire and you have to be specific about it then your thought waves become blurry and they become diluted and they become weak and they become inefficient and ineffective.

You need to know exactly the message you desire to send and the outcome you desire to receive. 

Well next as I said you have to have a clear message of benefit to the other person and I reduce this benefit to a sentence or two.

I'm using this as an example and you can create your own.

You are happy and fulfilled living and loving with me.

A simple message such as 

you are happy and fulfilled living and loving with me. 

Would be a very positive energetic thought wave that you could send.

Create a Mental Image

You have to create a mental image of what does it look like when this person receives this vibrational energy and how do they start to feel different it requires you to I'm a double Pisces or triple Pisces so it's easy for me but you have to get in touch with their feelings

This is part of this mental imagery you feel this other person missing your hat being happy with you remembering happy times and not wanting to be separate from you. You literally connect with their energy after you have sent that thought wave.

William Walker Atkinson along with everyone else that teaches the law of attraction says that

 imagination is the key

You need to imagine the person that you are sending the thought wave to reacting in a positive way feeling happy, feeling excited, feeling motivated, feeling changed in some way, they've changed, they're being moved from one position to another.

The next you have to imagine that and you have to imagine it with the emotion you have to be excited for them and you have to be excited for yourself. It's so important that you employ the power of imagination as you are sending out your thought wave.

Anchoring Method

One of the techniques I like to use is i'll take an object that is important to me such as wedding ring and i will simply hold the object i will close my eyes i will create the mental image of Matt receiving the thought wave and i will just hold on to the ring as i am doing it then i imagine it in my mind i emotionalize it i see the outcome I see his positive feelings I'm tapped into his positive feelings, I'm tapped into mine I feel a deeper connection with him and I'm touching this ring the whole time this is an anchoring method that really works because then throughout the day I don't have to go into this deep meditative state all I have to do is touch my ring and kind of move my ring around and she begins to receive that positive affirmation that positive thought wave and she's benefited I'm benefited everyone wins.

Sign of Silence

Finally, I think this is so important after you're done whether you're using the object method or you're just lying in your bed doing this method you must clear clear clear clear just let it go it's done it's gone. 

I will when I do the work will oftentimes make what they call the sign of silence it's used in the golden dawn but it's actually the sign of horopocrat and it's just a sign of silence just a way of sealing the energy and saying okay the energy's out there.

It's doing its thing the thought waves have been sent everybody's winning everybody's happier and now i move on with my life I move on with my day and I don't think about it because I think about it and I wait for results.

Results never tend to come because I start to choke the energy you remember in the beginning I was talking about that dream and when some you have a dream about somebody then they call you.

Well you don't oftentimes expect them to call you to know you you just you're almost surprised and amazed and that's what I mean high flyers don't choke the energy detach and let it go and now here are some other articles to help you on your journey.


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