I don't know if anybody has told you recently that you are perfect that you were born perfect you are absolutely perfect you are an emanation from the perfected universe. You're an emanation from the perfect God.
You can't be anything but perfect. You are one-of-a-kind there is nothing like you anywhere else in the cosmos you are one-of-a-kind you are perfect. You are an original.
You might say well my nose is too big or my forehead is too high or I'm too short or my feet are too flat or too tall I'm too skinny I'm too fat but those are all perceptions those are all value judgments they have no basis, in reality, they have absolutely nothing to do with you.
They're just opinions maybe your own opinion but it's still an opinion and oftentimes it is it's based on modeling, advertising, Glamour magazine's all that kind of stuff television movies is looking.
Accept Perfection
You can buy into that and spend the rest of your life chasing your tail Or you can choose to accept your own perfection right now. When you accept that you are perfect that God made you perfect from the very beginning when you accept that and you have no flaws.
If your nose is too big it's not a flaw it's a big Oh's okay but if you accepted then from that basis you can start to really and truly love who you are your uniqueness. Almost all of the great men and women in history were unique there was something about them that made them stand out.
There was something about them that was unique a mole that they got teased for as a child yet they became a famous model being overweight and black yet she got an incredible TV show and as a multi-millionaire billionaire today.
Whatever it is that you think is your detriment oftentimes high-fliers is your asset but should you decide to change yourself not to please someone else but to please yourself. I'm going to share with you ideas on how to do that but first I think it's very important that you understand that you are already perfect.
Once you have that as your basis everything else gets better and better I remember a guy growing up my parents and grandparents loved him he was an actor a comedian, a singer, a songwriter who had his own TV show his name was Jimmy Durante. He was a little guy with a bald head and a big nose about like - this Jimmy Durante.
If you would have seen this guy walking down the street you'd say wow how is he gonna be anything but a janitor yeah he was famous and he empowered so many people he helped so many people get their career going. You can do the same thing you are absolutely beautiful to say it right now I am absolutely beautiful now.
I was looking at a picture of my little son Julian the other day when he was right out of the womb when he was the little guy and he doesn't look like that anymore today oh there are some similarities but he looks very different.
We are Vibratory Energy
We are in constant motion we are vibratory energy and therefore we are always transforming and changing there is a saying a line in an ancient invocation that says changing ever yet ever the same so the same spirit that was in this little baby is now in this toddler running around the house and will be in this young man going to high school someday and will be in this man who has a wife and children someday the same spirit, the same energy, the same core vibration will be in this older man who's retired.
We are eternal beings we are transcending we are on a journey and so because your physical body is constantly in motion it's constantly changing you have the ability to change how it looks.
You must Become Absolutely Certain that you are Changing Your Appearance
I think the first thing number one is you must become absolutely certain that you are changing your appearance and you're doing it for the right reason. You're doing it perhaps because you view your body as a living piece of art but you are changing the way you look absolutely and with certainty.
There can't be any doubts I wonder if I can do it is it possible you need to get beyond that place that way of thinking and say I am co-creator of my own body of the way I look and the way I function in this world were the infinite universe and for all things are of my design all things.
You have attracted the way you look now and you can attract the way you're going to look tomorrow and the day after and the day after. It's amazing you have this incredible power to literally transform how you look but you must have absolute certainty that you have this power.
Once you give up that absolute certainty and you buy into the world of doubt then that will be all you attract you won't attract change you'll attract doubt.
Look at a physical Picture
It's extremely important so I'm gonna explain this slowly so that you understand it. I want you to look at a physical picture or pictures of the way you'd like to look I want you to look at it.
I want you to stare at it, I want you to memorize it then I want you to close your eyes and feel it coming into you and see and feel yourself as if you are changing or have already changed. Give the universe and give your biology a goalpost something to aim for.
You look at the external picture you see it clearly you close your eyes and you become it. You become what you see you feel your body literally changing becoming taller, your hair growing whatever it is you're after you know losing weight you're thinner now okay. You see the difference and but more importantly.
Experience the Difference
You feel the difference you feel it so see it bring it in feel it feel that difference. Next, after you have seen an external picture and then brought it into your mind, and visualized or felt it.
Tap into the Light of Universe
It's more of a feeling thing felt yourself transforming into that picture then open your eyes relax and take your hands and reach up above your head and visualize that you are tapping into infinite light the creative force of the universe and feel a white ball of light above your head and you are holding it in your hands.
A glowing energetic ball of infinite power and light pulls it down and as you pull it down breathe in, breathe in, breathe in feel that energy that light that power pouring and flowing through your body and then again close your eyes and feel yourself becoming the picture.
The picture of what it is you desire to look like and you can repeat this 3, 4, 5, 10, 15 times in a row if you want you can do it over and over. Obviously, the more time that you put into it the more energy you put into it the more certain and the quicker and the more permanent your transformation will be.
Act as if you are Already Transformed
Do this exercise every day and then the next point and I think this is extremely important act as if you're already transformed act as if you've lost 50 pounds act as if you've grown new hair act as if you're an inch taller act as if you're no nose a little nose is a little shorter.
Act as if your eyes have changed color act as if a look at if you're gonna go out shopping and you're changing your eye color. it by clothing that will match your new eye color okay that just act as if you're already there.
I don't know how to describe it you just feel it I'm already there I'm new I've changed the way that I look I changed the way people see me and that's incredible but you have to believe it and then do the exercise and then top it off by acting as if.
Challenge Limiting Beliefs
Challenge your limiting beliefs because over the next days and weeks you might develop limiting beliefs when is it going to happen when am I going to see it is this ever gonna work challenge those limiting beliefs I am absolutely certain that I am NOT I want to be I am taller I am thinner I am stronger whatever it is that you desire to change challenge it and then follow it up with a positive I am affirmation.
Begin Living with Gratitude
Don't wait for your eye color to change or your hair to grow or anything else to happen to begin living live fully right now with gratitude because as you live fully with gratitude I'm so grateful for every part of my body for my transformational body.
I am absolutely grateful for my connection to source focus on gratitude focus on higher vibrations because listen when you're down here and everything is slow it's like cement and your energy field and your body and your biology becomes slower and heavier it becomes likes meant we know that our mind can affect our body and vice versa.
It is a body-mind so when you are at a state of low vibration the ability to change is very very slow but when you're at a higher vibration filled with gratitude filled with love-filled with enthusiasm and happiness and excitement and passion.
Then your ability to manifest the changes that you desire in your life is easier faster and more enjoyable begin living right now.
Hey, thanks for subscribing. We're here five days a week to empower your life and we have other articles on how to change your appearance check them out to you have a great day because you yes you are beautiful and you're perfect
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