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8 Signs You And Your Partner Will Get Married In 2024

8 Signs You And Your Partner Will Get Married
8 Signs You And Your Partner Will Get Married

Here are eight signs that you and your partner will get married. There are millions and millions of people who do want to talk about marriage and you're with a partner right now and you're wondering is this the partner is this the one that I'm going to get married to.

1. Your Partner has Expressed Desire for Family

Your partner has expressed that he or she would like to have a family. If you've been in a relationship for over a year and your partner has never expressed the idea of having a family or getting married or anything like that. You might want to reconsider who you're investing your time with you. 

The average person who falls in love and has a deeply committed relationship with someone will express that in about three months others it might be four or five months but three months seems to be about the average.

It might come out casually you know like maybe there's a family over there with some kids oh I'd like to have a family one of these days I'd like to have a little girl one of these days I'd like to have a little boy one of these days you know one of those kinds of things 

So when you hear those kinds of comments in your dating in your relationship from your partner it's a powerful sign that you two are likely to get married.

2. Your Disagreements are Productive

8 Signs You And Your Partner Will Get Married
Image by Artistic Films from Pixabay
Sometimes people will say well, you know we were living together, we never had a fight, we never had a disagreement, and all of a sudden he ended the relationship and that's not a good sign.

A better sign is you get along but you do have disagreements from time to time but you handle your disagreements productively. In other words, something good comes out of the disagreement you come to an understanding that helps the two of you continue to move forward and take your relationship to its highest version and that's what we're talking about in productive disagreements.

If you have productive disagreements that's a huge sign the two of you are likely to get married. So there's a very good chance the two of you are going to get married. 

3. You're Traveling in the Same Direction

If you're traveling in the same direction if you both have similar goals you don't have to have the same career but you have a similar path you both want a place in the country you both want a high-rise apartment in the city you both want to donate a lot of your time to the charity you both desire to travel whatever direction it may be.

If you're moving in the same direction that's a huge sign that the two of you are in alignment and when you're in alignment your chances of marriage drastically increase.

4. You Both See the No 333

8 Signs You And Your Partner Will Get Married
Image by Pexels from Pixabay
Sign number four is a little bit metaphysical but I'm going to give it to you any way you both see the number three three three I mean you see it a license plate. You wake up is 333 you see it on the clock you see it on your watch you see it on the advertisement you see the number three three three all the time.

Here's why this number is particularly important as it comes to marriage. It indicates more than love. It indicates you hear him here but the two of you together form third energy his energy your energy or it could be the other way around your energy his energy and then third energy. If you are seeing three three three trust me marriage is around the corner.

5. You can both be yourself 

Number five is is simple it's easy you can both be yourself if you feel like just being yourself you feel relaxed you feel at ease. I'm not talking about you know you walk around in an old bathrobe for four days have not taken a shower with the beard and all that kind of stuff I'm not talking about that.

You can be yourself you can be who you are you can express yourself and the other person may not agree but they listen intently because they love you because they care about you and because they believe that they can learn from you just like you believe you can learn from them.

6. You Both Desire More Than Living Together

8 Signs You And Your Partner Will Get Married
Image by olcay ertem from Pixabay
Number six is absolutely huge you both desire more than living together that seems to be the thing nowadays is that people will get into a relationship and they will start dating intensely and then they'll say why don't we just move in together in the old days we used to call it shacking up you know.

I am not against living together. if it's in your journey that's fine but I think many of you settle for living together and so what happens is you all of a sudden wake-up and it's eight or nine years later. You're still living together you haven't taken the time to become formally married in the eyes of the universe in the eyes of the community in each other's eyes.

You don't have to make it elaborate you can go down to the park and just do a little ceremony or you can have a big huge ceremony but when both of you don't want to be just living together you know your partner says you know I'm not into living together I'm looking for something deeper something stronger something more lasting.

I understand that we live in the United States with a 50% divorce rate but that's simply because so many people have given up their spiritual core. They no longer have that spiritual core my earlier life was completely lacking a spiritual core. It had a religious component but it didn't have a spiritual component 

A spiritual component will always involve deep commitment and action because that's what love is love is about deep commitment and action it's a verb it's doing something okay it's not just feeling something.

When your partner indicates that he or she desires more than just living together that's a powerful sign that the two of you are gonna hear wedding bells.

7. Increasing Trust

One day you wake up and you realize that the person you're with you trust your life to you trust your future to you trust everything to you're willing to let them look at your phone at any time go through your wallet do whatever they have to do so that they feel the same level of trust for you.

When the two of you have an ever-increasing trust to where you just absolutely trust that person and they trust you then the next step of course is marriage.

8. Se* Goes Beyond the Physical

8 Signs You And Your Partner Will Get Married
Image by Veton Ethemi from Pixabay
Nothing wrong with a lot of fun nothing wrong with great physical se* but when se8 moves to a whole new level where the two of you oftentimes can just be close together. Looking into each other's eyes connecting heart to heart, soul the soul, spirit to spirit that's a sign that you're about to be married. ake 2021 your marriage year if it's right for you to make it your year.


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