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How to Manifest 98% Of Your Intention In 2024

How to Manifest 98% Of Your Intention
How to Manifest 98% Of Your Intention

You know people set goals and intentions and then they sit back and wonder why they don't manifest. How would you like to get 98% of all your goals, all your intentions to manifest? Well, there is a pattern that successful manifesters use, and this pattern is very important. 

When you use this pattern consistently every single day, you will literally be shocked at how much you manifest and how easy it is. If you are consistent in using this pattern on a regular basis.

You will manifest between 95 and 98% of all your intentions and that's huge. That will literally change your life. That means you will have more of the money you desire, the love you crave, and the health that you depend upon. 

what if I told you I was able to manifest $1M in 30 days, starting from zero and in a JAIL CELL, using one unique technique?

Dr. Wayne Dyer used to focus on the fact that we don't get what we want. We attract or manifest or get exactly what we are. And Neville Goddard had the same view and he shared it in many of his writings. 

So it's a very, very esoteric concept. You must become whatever it is that you desire to attract. We'll get into this here in a second. If you really want to manifest 98% of all your intentions. 

In my own personal journey I have discovered because I came up in the marketing field and everything was work, work, work, want, want, want, work, work, work, and that would get you somewhere, but it would only get you so far. 

Becoming Highest Version of Yourself

So the key is to focus on becoming the highest version of yourself. If you can become the absolute best version of yourself, there's literally nothing that you can't desire and manifest in your life. It's all about living, living from within. 

  1. Who are you? 
  2. What are you about? 
  3. What are your passions? 
  4. What are your dreams? 
  5. What are your goals? 

Dr. Joseph Campbell said, follow your bliss. It's about putting yourself in touch with your bliss and living it every single day. 

What it's really about is getting in touch with your deep passion and allowing energy to easily and effortlessly flow in your life. It's more than just knowing who you are. It's more than just saying, this is who I am. 

what if I told you I was able to manifest $1M in 30 days, starting from zero and in a JAIL CELL, using one unique technique?

Always in the Process of Becoming Something

It's focusing on what you are becoming. You see, as I look back at my life, I realize from the time I was little, I was always in the process of becoming something. And if you look back at your own life, you'll probably see the same pattern you're always becoming. 

You're always transforming. Now many times we're not transforming into the energy or the vibration that we really need or desire to manifest our deepest hopes and dreams and passions. But we have that opportunity to become what we desire to manifest. 

What is it that you desire to manifest?

And the secret is to become that desire. I know this is sounding a little, uh, you know, over the top or a little esoteric, but it's not who you are. It's who you are becoming. The astonishing thing about all of this is you and I, you and I have the power to direct what we are becoming. Since we are always in the process of becoming, we have the inherent power within us to direct exactly what we need to become, to manifest exactly what we desire to manifest.

what if I told you I was able to manifest $1M in 30 days, starting from zero and in a JAIL CELL, using one unique technique?

The real question is what do you want to become? And the answer to that question, Is you want to become you desire to become the energy? the vibratory energy that you need to manifest your desires, your goals, your passion, your bliss. 

Begin to Move in the Direction of Alignment

When you begin to move in the direction of alignment with your passions, your intentions, the weight just melts away from your body. You don't have to go on a diet. The love that you desire literally comes into your life. 

You don't have to sit there and write a thousand love letters. Money flows into your life easily and effortlessly. Happiness and health and vitality are just yours each and every day because you're in alignment with what you desire to transform into and you transform into whatever it is you need to be in alignment with to manifest what you desire. 

what if I told you I was able to manifest $1M in 30 days, starting from zero and in a JAIL CELL, using one unique technique?

I know it's a little, 's a little complex, but it's really quite simple. 

I was talking with someone this morning and I said, what are you doing during this quarantine period? And she said, well, I'm not really doing anything. I mean, I've gone through all the movies that I want to watch and I'm just kinda laying around and yeah, we're keeping the house clean. But that's about it. 

And I thought to myself, this is an opportunity. This is a time when you can use this time that you have to transform yourself so that when this time ends, you are ready to manifest at the 98% level. 

Keep in touch with your Bliss

What I have also noticed in my own journey is that when you really keep in touch with your bliss, with your passions, with your deepest desires, no matter what anybody says, no matter what anybody thinks, you don't have to fight with yourself anymore. You're no longer in an inner battle. 

And consistency becomes easy. You don't have to push every single day to achieve what you desire. It comes easily and effortlessly. 

Here's the amazing part about this. We're at a time in history when consciousness is rising extremely fast. Human consciousness is raising very, very fast, and human knowledge is raising fast. At the same time. 

what if I told you I was able to manifest $1M in 30 days, starting from zero and in a JAIL CELL, using one unique technique?

We've had periods of time when consciousness raised fast, but the knowledge didn't go so fast and we had times when knowledge went up, but consciousness didn't seem to advance, but both are moving upward very, very fast. This means you can manifest easier and with less effort and faster than ever before. 

Raise Your Consciousness

All you need to do is focus on your passion, focused on your, your, your bliss, your goals, your dreams, and raise your consciousness. Allow your consciousness to rise to your highest vibrational potential. Everything in our world is speeding up. Everything is moving fast. 

The key is clarity of intention and your intention must not be something that someone else wanted. It has to be something that you are passionate about, that you are on fire about, that that just makes you feel good. 

If you feel like you have to get up and push yourself to do it every day, it's not your passion. It's not your dream. It's not your goal. It's not who you are. And that 98% number starts to drop. It starts to come down.

what if I told you I was able to manifest $1M in 30 days, starting from zero and in a JAIL CELL, using one unique technique?

This is your time to truly understand, to connect with source energy, and understand why you are here, what your purpose is, what your mission is, what your passion is, what your bliss is. Then eliminate all the fear and focus only on the feeling and begin to manifest at the highest level that you've ever manifested in your entire life. 

Baptize Yourself in Passion

The secret is to totally baptize yourself in passion, in feelings, to allow these feelings to become so strong that you can't imagine doing anything else, becoming anything else, or thinking about anything else. This is your life and why not live a life of inner desire, inner passion. If you will do that and apply that every single day, you will manifest between 90 and 98%.

what if I told you I was able to manifest $1M in 30 days, starting from zero and in a JAIL CELL, using one unique technique?

I was preparing this article and my hubby said, what about the other 2% so what about that other 2% the other 2% is sometimes you will put yourself into a deep, deep connection with your deepest dreams and desires, and as you begin to elevate, as you begin to spiritually evolve, you'll all of a sudden notice, Oh, that's what I truly desire. 

That's the that's the target. I thought this was the target. That's the target. It's even higher. It's even more grandiose than I ever thought possible, and so you will change your direction. You really not changing your direction. You'll just aim a little bit higher. 

You can do this, it's yours. You can have all the money you desire, the love you crave, and the health you depend upon. Hey, I've got some other great articles here for you. Check them out.


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