Are you being blocked from a relationship? Have you been in one relationship after the other and it seems like it's just not working? People have asked me could the universe be blocking me from a relationship or relationships now this is a very esoteric question. I'm not going to get into the the weeds on this one i'm simply going to say that the universe spirit energy the God force is your partner in the creative process everything in your life you have created. 1. The Relationship Is Intruding on Your Mission & Purpose The universe could be blocking you from a relationship if the relationship is intruding on your mission and purpose. We all are here on this planet with a mission and purpose.We all have a reason a deep reason. Why we are here? it may be it may be nothing more than to teach someone something that they will use to change the world. I don't know what your mission and purpose is i know what mine is and so any relationship that would be blocking my miss...